Sunday, July 26, 2009

initial impressions, observations, and thoughts

Well we've been here in greater Cairo for about a week. I am having trouble getting started with my very first post, so I might just kick things off with some bullet points of the interesting things I have noted in the past seven days...

  • the watermelons in Egypt are the deepest, rosiest red I've ever seen
  • people drive very daringly except over speedbumps, when they slow to 1 or 2 mph at most
  • on a related note, neither traffic nor driving conditions have not been *too* bad so far, but I am fully prepared to eat my words
  • I saw a woman get into the pool with a swim cap covering her hair but a torso-exposing bikini...really--what's the point then?
  • after having seen about 30 apartments in two days, bowwabs (doormen) span the whole spectrum of friendliness
  • it's not overwhelmingly hot--we walked around for about 2.5 hours straight yesterday at midday (high: 100 degrees fahrenheit) and while we were ready for some AC, it was certainly bearable
  • coming from Colorado, we're the only people we know who think it's humid here
  • Maadi, the area of town where we are planning to live, has a laid back, leafy green vibe
  • at Spinney's, a Target-esque store right next to our hotel, you can find all the typical toiletry brands that we use in the States--makes me feel a bit sheepish for the massive quantities of Pantene I stocked in our air shipment
  • we're enjoying ourselves!


  1. OMG... I know your blog only had one post, but I love it already! Can't wait for future posts!!

  2. Yea! So glad to see you've started the blog. Can't wait to hear/read more about Maadi. How's your Arabic independent study going so far this week? If you're like me, you'll find it hard to get started each time, and then all of a sudden, you can't tear yourself away ...

  3. This is so great! I have never read a blog. You gave such great info. I've been wondering how all was going. I will look forward to seein the pictures and reading your posts.
